Can A Person Survive Cancer?

To find out that someone has cancer can be truly heartbreaking. The pain can become more extreme when the person inflicted with this kind of sickness is someone close to your heart. Many questions would soon enter your mind. The primary issue would be: What are the chances of survival? A lot of people would probably answer in the negative. As we probably know, there is still no existing antidote or cure for cancer on its terminal stage.

MYTH #1: There is no way out of cancer.In this article, we are going to debunk some of the common misconceptions or myths about cancer and issues relating to the survival of a patient.





The lifespan of a cancer patient depends on many factors. Just because he is diagnosed with cancer does not automatically mean that he is dying. It is important to note that there are different stages of this kind of sickness. Therefore, if a person is found out to have cancer at its early or benign stage, there is still a high possibility of survival. An operation can be undertaken to remove the affected cells inside the body.

 MYTH #2: Sugar intake will worsen a patient’s condition.




A recent study shows that cancer cells in the body consume more glucose (sugar) than healthy cells. Notwithstanding this finding, it is still improper to say that too much consumption of sugar will aggravate cancer. Conversely, avoiding sugar intake does not automatically result in the death of the cancer cells.

The proper conclusion that can be derived here is that practicing a high-sugar diet can lead to obesity and being overweight, but not cancer.


MYTH #3:  Cancer is contagious.




Cancer is not the kind of disease that can easily transmit from one person to another. Some people try to avoid a cancer patient for fear that they may also get the disease. There is only one instance wherein cancer may be transferred from one person to another, and that is when an individual undergoes an organ transplant. However, the likelihood that this will happen is very low. Medical doctors always conduct thorough tests and follow strict procedure before performing a transplant. They can quickly detect whether the donor of the organ has cancer cells or tissues. Hence, there is a high possibility that they will not commit a mistake in transmitting cancer.


MYTH #4: Attitude affects my health condition.




Up until this moment, there is still no scientific evidence that connects a patient’s attitude to his recovery from cancer. There may be people who claim that being positive helped them survive cancer. Nonetheless, no medical study has been conducted yet to show whether or not this claim is valid.

A person who has cancer is entitled to feel different kinds of emotions. Just because he feels sad or upset does not mean that his cancer will persist. Moreover, the positive and happy vibe of a patient does not guarantee fast recovery from cancer.

Many people have different things to say about cancer. Before believing a particular statement or publication, be sure to verify it with the experts. Spreading misconceptions and untrue statements can only add up to the confusion of cancer patients. Be responsible for seeking out the truth.