Harnessing Inner Peace: Coping With Cancer Through Meditation

If you’re reading this, you might be facing one of life’s most formidable challenges: cancer. It’s a path fraught with physical and emotional trials, but amidst this turmoil, there’s a beacon of calm – focused meditation. In this article, we’ll explore how this ancient practice can be a powerful ally in your breast cancer journey, offering solace and strength in ways you may never have imagined.

Source: pexels.com

How Does Cancer Affect Your Mental Health?

Now, let’s talk about cancer. It’s not just a physical battle; it’s an emotional rollercoaster. One day, you might feel strong and hopeful, and the next, you’re grappling with fear and uncertainty. It’s like riding a wave – sometimes you’re on top, other times you’re tumbling through the surf. And it’s perfectly okay to feel all these emotions. They’re part of the journey, a journey that’s uniquely yours.

But here’s a thought: amidst this emotional whirlwind, sitting meditation can be your anchor. It’s not a magic wand, but it’s a powerful tool that helps you find moments of calm in the chaos. It’s about giving yourself permission to pause, breathe deeply, and just be – even if it’s just for a few minutes a day.

What Is Meditation And How Can It Help?

Now, let’s demystify meditation. It’s not about a comfortable position or sitting cross-legged for hours or emptying your mind completely. Think of it more like a friendly chat with your inner self. It’s about taking a moment to check in, see how you’re doing, and give yourself some much-needed attention.

According to meta analysis, there are all sorts of ways to meditate. Maybe it’s focusing on your breath, listening to a guided meditation, or even walking mindfully. The beauty of it is that there’s no right or wrong way to do it. It’s all about what feels right for you. For instance, you might try integrating meditation with music therapy for cancer patients.

Research has also shown that meditation can help as it can lower stress levels, reduce anxiety and depression, and make you feel calmer. It can even have positive effects on physical health, especially the muscle groups. It’s a testament to the power of the body and mind connection.

Source: pexels.com

Meditation Techniques For Cancer Patients

Now, let’s delve into some specific meditation techniques that can be particularly beneficial for those coping with cancer.

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Coping cancer with meditation involves focusing on the present moment. It’s about observing your negative thoughts and feelings without judgment. When your mind wanders to worries about the future or regrets about the past, mindfulness based stress reduction brings you back to now, to this moment, which is all we truly have.
  • Guided Imagery: In guided imagery, you use your imagination to visualize a peaceful scene or a positive outcome. It’s like a mental escape that can provide relief from severe pain and anxiety. Picture your body healing, and imagine your cells rejuvenating – it’s a way to mentally align with the process of recovery.
  • Deep Breathing Exercises: Breathing exercises are simple yet powerful. Deep breathing can help manage pain, improve oxygen flow, and induce relaxation techniques. It’s a technique you can use anytime, anywhere, to center yourself, relax the body, and find a moment of peace.
  • Body Scan Meditation: Body scan meditation consists of slowly focusing on each part of your body, from your toes to your head. As you pay attention to each area, you release tension and notice any sensations or emotions. It’s a way of connecting with your body and acknowledging what it’s going through.
  • Loving-Kindness Meditation (Metta) : This technique focuses on cultivating feelings of love and kindness towards yourself and others. You silently repeat phrases like “May I be happy, may I be healthy,” and then extend these wishes to others. It’s a beautiful way to combat feelings of isolation and foster a sense of connection.
  • Mantra Meditation: In this practice, you repeat a word or phrase (a mantra) silently. It could be a word like “peace” or a phrase that resonates with you. The repetition helps you focus and can bring a profound sense of calm.
  • Yoga Nidra: Also known as yogic sleep, this is a guided meditation that brings you to the edge of sleep. You lie down, listen to a guide, and slowly relax each part of your body. It’s incredibly restorative, especially if you’re struggling with sleep.
Source: pexels.com
  • Walking Meditation: Who says you need to be still to meditate? Walking meditation is about mindful movement. As you walk, you focus on the feelings and sensation of your feet touching the ground, the rhythm of your steps, and your breath. It’s a great way to combine gentle exercise with meditation.
  • Zazen (Zen Meditation): This is a traditional Buddhist meditation where you sit and observe your thoughts without attachment. It’s less about achieving a specific goal and more about being present in the moment.
  • Sound Bath Meditation: This involves immersing yourself in the sounds and vibrations of instruments like singing bowls, gongs, or chimes. The sound waves are said to help reduce stress and create a deep sense of peace.

Each of these techniques offers a unique way to connect with yourself and find a sense of peace amidst the challenges of cancer. You might find one that resonates with you immediately, or you might enjoy exploring a combination of different practices. Remember, the goal is not to ‘do it right’ but to find what works for you, bringing a moment of calm and clarity into your day.

Overcoming Common Challenges In Meditation

If you’re new to meditation, it can seem daunting. Thoughts race, focus wavers, and finding time can feel like a challenge in itself. But don’t be discouraged. Like any skill, meditation takes practice.

  • Start Small

Even five minutes a day can make a difference. Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and simply deep breath. Remember, it’s okay if your mind wanders; it’s part of the process. Gently guide your focus back to your breath or the guided imagery you’re following.

  • Consistency Is Key

Establishing a regular meditation practice is crucial. It’s like watering a plant; the more consistently you do it, the more you’ll see it grow – in this case, the plant is your sense of inner peace and resilience. Try to meditate at the same time each day, creating a routine that your mind and body will start to expect and appreciate.

But what if you miss a day? Or even a few? That’s okay. The path of meditation isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. If you skip a day, don’t be hard on yourself. Just pick it up again when you can. The beauty of meditation is its flexibility and its ability to adapt to your life and needs.

  • Creating A Conducive Environment 

While you can meditate anywhere, creating a special space for your practice can make a big difference. It doesn’t have to be elaborate – a comfortable chair, a cushion, or even a quiet corner in your room. You might add elements that soothe you, like a scented candle, a soft blanket, or calming pictures. This space becomes your personal retreat, a signal to your mind that it’s time to relax and meditate.

  • Using Technology To Your Advantage

In today’s digital world, technology can be a great ally in your meditation journey. There are numerous apps and online resources that offer guided meditation, meditation music, and even meditation communities. These tools can provide structure and variety, keeping your practice fresh and engaging.

  • Combining Meditation With Other Practices

Mindfulness based cognitive therapy or Meditation doesn’t have to stand alone. It can be combined with other practices like gentle yoga, tai chi, or even art therapy. These combinations can enhance your overall sense of well-being and can be particularly helpful if you find it hard to sit still or focus.

  • Seeking Guidance When Needed 

If you’re struggling with meditation or if it’s bringing up challenging emotions, it might be helpful to seek guidance. This could be from a meditation teacher, a therapist, or even a support group. Sometimes, having someone to talk to and guide you through the process can make a significant difference.

Remember, the journey of regular practice of mindfulness based interventions is as individual as you are. There’s no one right way to do it. It’s about finding what works for you and allowing it to be a source of strength and peace as you navigate your cancer treatment journey.

Finding Your Tribe And Tools: A World Of Support And Resources

This article is just the beginning of your adventure with meditation. There’s a whole universe out there filled with tools and folks who can help you dive deeper. For starters, there are tons of apps and websites that have meditation sessions tailored in a quiet place for people with cancer. These are super handy, especially if you’re just dipping your toes into the world of meditation.

But here’s the real gem – the community. There are groups, both online and offline, where you can meet people who are riding the same wave as you. It’s not just about swapping tips on meditation; it’s about finding friends who get what you’re going through. These groups are like a warm hug on a tough day – they offer not just advice but a shoulder to lean on.

Sometimes meditation can bring up some heavy stuff, stuff that’s tough to handle on your own. If that happens, it’s totally okay to reach out for professional help. Chatting with a therapist or counselor, especially one who knows the ins and outs of cancer, can be a game-changer. They can help you navigate through those tricky emotional waters.

Wrapping Up

So, as we tie up our discussion about tackling cancer with a little help from meditation, remember this: your journey is yours alone. Meditation isn’t a cookie-cutter solution; it’s more like a personal guide to finding some peace and strength. Whether you’re in the thick of breast cancer treatment, celebrating remission, or supporting someone on their cancer journey, meditation can be your quiet spot in the middle of life’s hustle and bustle.

Give these techniques with systematic review a whirl and see what clicks for you. Share your stories, connect with fellow travelers, and above all, be gentle with yourself. This journey you’re on – it’s not just about making it through. It’s about living life with a full heart, finding moments of joy and peace, every step of the way.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do You Fight Cancer Mentally?

How Can I Be Mentally Strong With Cancer?

How Do You Cope Well With Cancer?

Can Mindfulness Help Cancer Patients?

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of Cancer?

Why Stress Is Bad For Cancer Patients?

What Should I Eat If I Have Cancer?

Which Meditation Is Best For Cancer Patients?

How Do You Stop Cancer Anxiety?

Can Happiness Fight Cancer?

Can Stress Speed Up Cancer?

Is Stress A Trigger For Cancer?

Can Your Body Fight Cancer On Its Own?

Can You Live With Cancer Without Treatment?

Exploring the Benefits of Group Therapy for Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a complex and chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It can take many forms, from substance abuse to gambling and even behavioral addictions like shopping or internet addiction. Recovery from addiction is a long and difficult process that requires a combination of different therapies and support. One of the most effective forms of therapy for addiction recovery is group therapy.

What is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is a type of therapy that involves a group of people who meet on a regular basis to discuss and work through their shared issues. These sessions are led by a trained therapist or counselor who facilitates the discussion and provides guidance and support. Group therapy can be used to treat a wide range of mental health disorders, including addiction.

How Does Group Therapy Work?

Group therapy works by providing a safe and supportive environment where individuals can share their experiences, feelings, and struggles with addiction. The group setting allows participants to learn from one another, gain insight into their own behavior, and develop new coping strategies. Group therapy also provides the opportunity to practice new behaviors and ways of thinking in a supportive and non-judgmental setting.

Where Can You Find Group Therapy Near You?

There are several ways to find group therapy near you:

  1. Contact your primary care physician or mental health provider: They may be able to provide a referral to a local group therapy program.
  2. Search online directories: Many national and local organizations, such as the American Psychological Association or the National Alliance on Mental Illness, provide online directories of therapists and counseling centers that offer group therapy.
  3. Contact your insurance company: Many insurance plans cover group therapy and your insurance company can provide a list of providers in your area.
  4. Check with local hospitals and clinics: Many hospitals and clinics offer group therapy programs for individuals struggling with addiction and other mental health conditions.
  5. Check with local universities or community colleges: Some universities and community colleges offer counseling services that include group therapy for a reduced cost.

It’s important to note that it’s also possible to find online group therapy sessions, but it’s important to do your research to ensure the therapist or provider is licensed, reputable and that the therapy is being conducted in a secure and private platform.

Benefits of Group Therapy for Addiction Recovery

  1. Support and Encouragement

One of the main benefits of group therapy for addiction recovery is the sense of support and encouragement that participants receive from one another. Being able to share their experiences and struggles with others who understand and relate to their situation can be incredibly empowering for individuals in recovery. The group setting also provides a sense of accountability, which can be a powerful motivator for staying on track with recovery goals.

  1. Improved Communication and Social Skills

Group therapy can also help individuals in recovery improve their communication and social skills. Addiction often leads to isolation and difficulty in maintaining healthy relationships, so learning to effectively communicate with others is an important part of recovery. Group therapy provides the opportunity to practice these skills in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

  1. Increased Insight and Understanding

Another benefit of group therapy for addiction recovery is the increased insight and understanding that participants gain about their addiction and themselves. By hearing the stories and experiences of others, individuals in recovery can gain a deeper understanding of their own addiction and the underlying causes. This increased self-awareness can be crucial for long-term recovery.

  1. Reduced Stigma

Addiction carries a significant amount of stigma, which can make it difficult for individuals to seek help and support. Group therapy provides a safe and supportive environment where individuals can share their experiences without fear of judgment. It can also help to reduce the stigma associated with addiction by educating others about the disease and the recovery process.

  1. Cost-Effective

Group therapy is a cost-effective form of treatment, as it allows several individuals to receive therapy at once. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who may not have the financial resources to afford individual therapy sessions.

6. Practice New Behaviors and Coping Strategies

Group therapy provides a space where individuals can try out new ways of thinking and behaving, and receive feedback and support from others. This can be especially beneficial for those in recovery, as addiction often involves negative patterns of behavior and thought that need to be replaced with healthier alternatives. Additionally, group therapy can help individuals to identify and change negative thought patterns that may have contributed to their addiction. Practicing new behaviors and coping strategies in a supportive environment can help individuals to develop the skills and confidence needed to maintain their recovery outside of therapy.


Addiction recovery is a challenging and ongoing process, but it is possible with the right support and therapy. Group therapy is an effective form of therapy for addiction recovery that provides a sense of support, encouragement, and understanding. It can help individuals improve their communication and social skills, gain insight into their addiction, and reduce the stigma associated with the disease. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, consider seeking out a group therapy program as part of your recovery journey.

The Power of Mindfulness in Mental Health Therapy

Mental health is an important aspect of overall well-being, yet it is often dismissed by most people. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one in four individuals will be dealing with a neurological or mental illness at some point in their lives. This highlights the importance of understanding and addressing mental health issues, and the various therapies available to do so. One such therapy that has been gaining popularity in recent years is mindfulness-based therapy.

How Mindfulness is Used in Therapy

Mindfulness-based therapy is typically used in combination with other therapeutic techniques. It is often used as a tool to help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and emotions, and to develop the ability to respond to them in a more balanced and self-compassionate way.

One popular form of mindfulness-based therapy is mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). MBSR is an eight-week program that combines mindfulness meditation, yoga, and body awareness exercises. The program is designed to help individuals develop the ability to manage stress and improve overall well-being.

Another popular form of mindfulness-based therapy is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT). Developed by Zindel Segal, Mark Williams and John Teasdale, MBCT is a program that combines cognitive therapy with mindfulness practices. It is designed to help people become more aware of their thoughts and emotions and develop the ability to respond to them in a more balanced and self-compassionate way.

How to Practice Mindfulness At Home

Practicing mindfulness at home can be easy and accessible for anyone, regardless of your schedule or location. Here are a few ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine:

  1. Meditation: One of the most popular and effective ways to practice mindfulness is through meditation. This can be as simple as sitting in a quiet space, focusing on your breath, and bringing your attention back to your breath whenever your mind wanders. There are many guided meditations available online or through apps that can help guide you through the process.
  2. Yoga: Yoga is another great way to practice mindfulness. It combines physical movement with breath awareness, helping to focus the mind and bring attention to the present moment.
  3. Mindful Eating: Eating can be a great opportunity to practice mindfulness. Instead of eating on the go or while multitasking, take the time to sit down and fully focus on your meal. Pay attention to the flavors, textures, and smells of your food, and eat slowly, savoring each bite.
  4. Mindful Walking: Going for a walk can be a great way to clear your mind and focus on the present moment. Try to focus on the sensation and feelings of your feet touching the ground, the sound of birds singing, or the heat of the sun on your skin.
  5. Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and emotions can be a great way to process and understand them. Try to write without judgment or censorship, and simply observe and acknowledge your thoughts and feelings.

It’s important to remember that mindfulness is a daily practice. It will not be an overnight success. Be patient with yourself, and don’t give up right away if your mind entertains random thoughts or you find it difficult to focus. The key is to keep coming back to the present moment and to be kind and gentle with yourself.

Incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine can have a significant impact on your mental and physical well-being. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, improve emotional regulation, and enhance overall well-being. Give it a try and see the benefits for yourself.

Benefits of Mindfulness-based Therapy

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety: Mindfulness practices have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels. By becoming more aware of one’s thoughts and emotions, individuals can learn to manage them more effectively.
  2. Improves emotional regulation: Mindfulness practices can help individuals develop the ability to regulate their emotions, leading to improved emotional well-being.
  3. Enhances self-compassion: Mindfulness can help individuals develop a more compassionate and non-judgmental attitude towards themselves, leading to improved self-esteem and self-worth.
  4. Improves cognitive function: Research has shown that mindfulness practices can improve cognitive function, including attention and memory.
  5. Improves physical health: Mindfulness practices have been shown to have a positive impact on physical health, including reducing blood pressure and chronic pain.


Mindfulness-based therapy is an effective tool for improving mental health. By increasing awareness of one’s thoughts and emotions, you can learn to manage them more effectively, leading to improved emotional regulation and self-compassion. Additionally, mindfulness practices have been shown to have a positive impact on physical health. If you are struggling with stress, anxiety, or any other mental health issue, consider incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine, and seek out a therapist who specializes in mindfulness-based therapy.

It is important to note that while mindfulness-based therapy can be beneficial for many individuals, it may not be appropriate for everyone. It is always best to consult with a mental health professional to determine the best course of treatment for your specific needs.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that mindfulness-based therapy is not a quick fix. It requires consistent practice and commitment. However, with time and dedication, the benefits can be significant and long-lasting.

In conclusion, mindfulness-based therapy offers a holistic approach to mental health that can be beneficial for a wide range of issues. By becoming more aware of one’s thoughts and emotions, individuals can learn to manage them more effectively and improve overall well-being. If you’re considering incorporating mindfulness into your therapy, it’s important to work with a qualified therapist to ensure that you are getting the most out of the practice.

As mindfulness-based therapy continues to gain popularity, it is likely that more research will be conducted on the effectiveness of this approach. However, the existing research suggests that mindfulness-based therapy can be an effective tool for improving mental health, and it is worth considering as an option for those who are struggling with stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues.

What Is Online Therapy

Online therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy with a licensed therapist to treat mental health concerns.

online therapy possible?
Source: allabouthealthychoices.files.wordpress.com

Group therapy is a mental health process that is done on online platforms.

Online Therapy

Virtual therapy, also known as insurance cover therapy online, online cognitive behavioral therapy, or e-counseling, has been around for most people with different mental health and physical health conditions, one of which is cancer.

Virtual therapy, also known as insurance cover therapy online, online cognitive behavioral therapy, or e-counseling, has been around for most people with different mental health and physical health conditions, one of which is cancer.
Source: flickr.com

any individuals seek the best online therapy platforms to connect with an online therapist, ensuring they get optimal support and guidance. Finding the best online resources can make a significant difference in the therapeutic experience.

Here, the patient consults with his mental health care therapist through chat, videoconference, or other mental health resources as the therapy online cost with this setup is cheaper.

How Can Therapy Online Help Cancer Patients?

Virtual therapy has been effective in helping alleviate mental health conditions.

People with depression or anxiety turn to e-counseling for mental health support.

Virtual counseling is a good mental health treatment that does not prescribe medication.

Source: flickr.com

Is Therapy Online Effective For Cancer?

Let’s learn more about virtual mental health services and how they can give mental health support to cancer patients. These therapy services often include features like medication management and the option for one-on-one person therapy sessions, enhancing the overall care for patients.

Best Online Therapy Services Offer Psychological Intervention For Cancer Patients

Distress, anxiety, and depression are just some of the mental health and emotional health conflicts cancer patients contend with apart from their life-threatening illnesses.

Source: flickr.com

So in spite of cancer being a physical disease, its sufferers can significantly benefit from mental health interventions such as counseling in a therapist’s office.

Source: flickr.com

It is important to note that “online medical care is not for every person or practitioner.

Clients with more serious mental health concerns or mental health addictions likely need more treatment than virtual counseling can provide.

If you’re seeking virtual counseling, it’s important to find the best online counseling platform that accepts your insurance providers and matches you with a qualified therapist.

In the case of a mental health emergency, it’s crucial to have access to talk therapy or video therapy sessions with licensed mental health professionals such as marriage and family therapists or psychiatric nurse practitioners.

Many virtual therapy providers accept insurance and offer different levels of coverage for their services, which can make accessing mental health care more affordable and accessible.

And some clinicians may find certain telehealth services modalities difficult,” clinical psychologist Nina Barlevy, PsyD said.

Source: flickr.com

Virtual therapy sessions are the same as traditional in-person therapy. It does not prescribe medication.

Choosing therapy online has become increasingly popular, and there are now many virtual therapy providers available to choose from. The best virtual counseling platforms offer licensed providers, including mental health counselors, licensed clinical social workers, and family therapists, who are available for virtual therapy sessions.

When choosing a provider, it’s important to consider factors such as therapist availability and the cost per session. Therapy online websites can make it easy to connect with licensed therapists and virtual therapy providers, providing a convenient and accessible way to receive the mental health support you need via a virtual counseling platform.

The Only Difference Is The Use Of The Internet As The Medium Of Communication Between The Therapist And The Patient.

Source: flickr.com

The Latter Doesn’t Have To Meet The Former Physically As Therapy Session Can Be Done Via:

  • A software that allows video calls like Skype
  • Emails, and,
  • Text-chats technology
Online therapy service
Source: static1.squarespace.com

Online Therapy Benefits And Advantages

Accessible Mental Health Services

You can do your counseling sessions or in-office therapy or call up your accredited therapists anywhere as long as there’s an internet connection.

Source: pixabay.com

This flexibility – which is absent in traditional counseling – appeals to people who are housebound or those who are unable to travel the distance to see a psychologist to help them overcome their eating disorders, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and other mental health conditions without medication management.

Therapy Online Is Discrete

There’s always a stigma surrounding mental health condition issues, and some people don’t want to carry the label “not right in the head” just because they went to see a psychologist.

Source: pixabay.com

You can do your video sessions right in the privacy of your room without anybody knowing.

Requires Little From That Seeking Therapy

So basically, there is lesser anxiety involved with it.

This fact is important as people – like cancer patients – are already dealing with so much mental health pressure, strain, and pain.

Source: flickr.com

It won’t be right to force them to see an online counselor face-to-face as it would make them clam up more, increase their distress, and worsen their mental health conditions.

The Efficacy Of Online Therapy

There already are studies that show the efficacy of online mental health counseling among other mental health services that need to be done in person sessions, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Talkspace is an online counseling and therapy platform that offers a virtual counseling option for individuals seeking mental health support. Using a health savings account to pay for Talkspace services can make virtual therapy more affordable for those who may not have insurance coverage. Talkspace provides a range of mental health services, including support for substance abuse. Clients are given assigned therapists for ongoing support, and in some cases, in-person care may be recommended.

Source: pixabay.com

For it to be able to work, John M. Grohol, Psy.D. says “This kind of effort takes a fair amount of commitment and understanding of the virtual world.” Some of these are:

  • One study included the mental health treatment for some of the participating couples who are too far away from the traditional face-to-face sessions. In the end, both those who participated in conventional psychotherapy and those who used the internet reaped the same positive mental health results.
  • A report detailed how three brief psychological intercessions made by professionals – one web-based while the other two were traditional – on cancer patients helped them cope with anxiety and improved their mental health during and until after their treatments.
Source: pixabay.com

However, some undertakings also showed that patients with terminal illnesses received little to no benefits from online therapy services regarding mental health support and mental health intervention compared to those who received the traditional way of mental health counseling. It’s possible that the nature of video sessions or the limitations of a therapy platform may not resonate with every individual’s needs. Still, face-to-face therapy sessions remain a crucial aspect for some patients.

Online Therapy Vs Traditional Therapy

But as one expert who is involved both in in-person therapy and online therapy (she has a private clinic and at the same time works with BetterHelp), the individual is the most vital factor when it comes to choosing what form of mental health treatment to use without the need to prescribe medication.

Source: pixabay.com

“Therapy is extremely personal and intimate, you don’t want to have to go with the only one that has availability.” Sena Moran, LMHC said.

Source: pixabay.com

“Some people have no qualms meeting up with professionals like us face-to-face,” she said, “But there are some who are more comfortable opening up when the person they’re talking to isn’t there physically.

So the choice depends on the individual who undergoes the mental health therapy.”

As For The 35-Year-Old Breast Cancer Survivor?

She’d been going through mental health treatment with different mental health professionals in affordable online therapy for two months now.

Source: flickr.com

“It feels great actually to talk to someone about my burdens,” she stated. “And my family doesn’t know. I feel it’s best this way.”

Source: pixabay.com

Therapy Online FAQs

1. Can you talk to an online therapist for free?

2. How effective is online therapy?

3. Is someone who needs mental health-prescribed medications not suitable for an online therapy session?

4. What are ethical issues in teen counseling platforms?

5. Is online therapy cheaper?

6. Is online therapy as effective as in-person?

7. How much is online therapy?

8. How to take therapy online?

9. Can Health Insurance Plans Cover Online Therapy Costs?

10. How Long Does Therapy Take To Work?

11. Are Online Therapists Safe?

12. How Can I Do Therapy Without A Therapist?

13. Can Online Therapists Diagnose You?

14. What Are The Disadvantages Of Online Counseling?

15. How Do I Know If I Need Therapy?

What Is The Importance Of Counseling For Caregivers?

What is the importance of counseling for caregivers?

the importance of counseling for caregivers
Source: ivybraintumorcenter.org

Family caregivers are individuals who offer unpaid assistance or seek professional help to take good care of someone with a disease or disability, such as Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia, or simply the aging population. Employee assistance program presents several types for caregivers. It can be spiritual, financial, or mental and emotional.

The Importance Of Caregiver Counseling

Even though it is a particularly satisfying experience, it is possible that a family caregiver may find caring for others a physically and psychologically taxing job or profession. It is a difficult task, and without the right care and treatment, it can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health. It may cause mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, physical strain, a weakened immune system, and depression.

Although there are benefits in mental health tools and they can help a patient or the spouse to attain emotional stability while delivering high-quality care, symptoms of burnout are a caregiver’s biggest health enemy.

It is possible that professional caregivers find them too stressed and overwhelmed to seek self-care, and it is convenient to forget to care for your own needs. But there are other means to make time for yourself. Seeing mental health professionals attending a counseling support group and checking out with friends occasionally might be great for your well-being.

Individuals forced to play the role of a caregiver can potentially find that balance so people deal with the responsibility given to them.

Care For Yourself –  Some Tips To Remember

  • If someone gives help, say ‘yes’ if you want to. It is important and encouraged to accept help from those who want to give it to you.
  • Get tips from other caregivers like yourself. This is also encouraged the importance of counseling for caregivers and other interventions.
  • Joining support groups or organizations can become a source of emotional support that may help not to trigger or aggravate caregiver sadness and burnout.
  • Make schedule services for your self-care day. Do things that will help you prevent burnout. Focus on your health commitment.

You should realize that taking care of others doesn’t mean neglecting yourself.

Source: healthgrades.com

Managing Caregiver Burnout

  • As caregivers, be empathetic with yourselves. Learn the importance of healthy self-care. Allow yourselves to be professional and separate your emotions from your actions.
  • Do not let your emotional exhaustion like resentment, guilt, grief, or anger grow. If you are feeling very negative, turn to mental health help. Caregiver counseling can affect your decisions and help these unwanted feelings in many ways.
  • Find a support community or contact a friend who can help you learn coping strategies. This will help you lessen the frustration you carry around.

Making Crucial Choices

Frequently, a brain tumor makes it more life-challenging to think straight and process information. If this happens to you or someone you know, therapy or counseling for caregivers like you must be considered.

Simple Suggestions When Making Crucial Decisions

  • Consult with the best doctors, counselors, and other medical professionals in hospice in your area for a second opinion. Counseling comes in different types and resources, most of which are helpful.
  • Identify and respect the wishes and abilities of your loved one.
  • Talking to a social worker or counselor in your local chapter helps. Counseling therapists can give you an example of advice and diagnosis or address a lot of your personal questions.

Moving On

Source: fifthseasonfinancial.com

Role of Family Members

Caregiving burnout can have a cascading, negative impact on care partners, family members, and their loved ones, especially in the context of home care. A family member may notice changes and effects in their family dynamics once someone is under a lot of stress.

In caregiving, Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) offer vital support to families. Area Agencies on Aging specialize in providing services to older adults and caregivers, serving as a lifeline in navigating caregiving complexities. Family members’ emotional support is equally crucial, providing comfort and strength to caregivers, ultimately benefiting both caregivers and care recipients.

If your family is having trouble doing this by themselves, talk to a therapist or counselor so that someone qualified and experienced can guide and walk patients through the healing step by step. Be present for them. Emotional support can ease the caregiver stress your loved one is experiencing.

Final Thoughts And Takeaways

Many caregivers experience stress too. It is okay to seek support to prevent burnout. Providing care does not mean restraining the self-care you also need.

It’s scary to think about a different future than what you had planned. Finding ways to have a conversation about what is actually happening does make people feel comforted and reassured.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Is it Important To Support Caregivers?

Supporting family caregivers is crucial for maintaining the physical and emotional well-being of those who provide essential care to loved ones. By offering assistance, resources, and respite, we reduce caregiver burnout, promote healthier family relationships, and enhance the overall quality of care. It’s a fundamental step in ensuring that family caregivers can continue their vital roles while also preserving their own health and happiness.

What Are The Three Most Important Qualities Of A Caregiver?

The three most important qualities of family caregivers in providing care services are empathy and compassion, patience, and effective communication. These qualities enable a family caregiver to connect with a care recipient on an emotional level, handle challenges with grace, and ensure clear, respectful communication, fostering a supportive and empathetic caregiving environment.

What is the most important skill of a caregiver for effective communication?

What is caregiver Counseling?

Why is it important to get counseling?

What are the 6 responsibilities of a caregiver?

What six characteristics do effective caregivers have?

Why is communication important in a caregiver-patient relationship?

How can we improve caregiving?

Improving caregiving involves collaborating with organizations like Area Agencies on Aging to offer caregivers education, respite, and support, along with addressing their financial, legal, and health insurance concerns. Flexible work options and community services can ease the caregiving burden, while awareness campaigns and policy changes, supported by these agencies, create a more supportive environment. This multifaceted approach enhances caregiving, reduces stress, and benefits both caregivers and care recipients.

What is most challenging about being a caregiver?

Why is self-care important for caregivers?

Self-care is crucial for caregivers to prevent burnout, maintain their health, and provide better care. It fosters resilience, sustains caregiving, and supports family relationships. Through self-care and support groups, caregivers find fulfillment, reduce isolation, and prevent guilt, ensuring their well-being while caregiving effectively.

How can I be a healthy caregiver?

Is caregiving considered health care?

What are the 4 types of caregivers?

How does a caregiver respond to challenging behavior?

Brain Tumor And Treatment

Most of us can learn to deal with our emotions, mental health problems, and the changes caused by a brain tumor once chemotherapy and other treatments begin. Brain tumor growth operation is difficult for the body to take, but you can better handle the process with radiation oncologists and cancer treatment.

A woman with no hair
Source: cancersupportcommunity.org

Learn more about brain tumor treatment here.

Let’s Learn More About Head Injuries And Their Cures

This is a fact for brain tumor patients as well as those who are caring for them during the treatment of cancerous brain tumors.

  • It’s not uncommon to feel insecure, puzzled, and scared about getting a brain tumor diagnosis – and it is possible to cope with these emotions.
  • Supporting a loved one through brain tumor treatment, which may include radiation therapy such as stereotactic radiosurgery, gamma rays, proton beam therapy, targeted therapy, or other approaches, requires patience. The treatment process can be gradual and challenging, and during this time, it’s important to be patient both with your loved one and with yourself. Offering emotional support and understanding can greatly contribute to their journey toward healing and recovery.
  • There are no wrong questions, so don’t be afraid to ask.
  • Be open to your family and your medical team to help you keep the health treatment planning on schedule. Your doctor may check on you if you are on track with your schedule.
  • One of the treatment options is radiation therapy which can help kill brain tumor cells, destroy cancer cells and kill tumor cells, protect surrounding healthy tissue, blood vessels, and healthy cells, and treat types of brain tumors. There are different types of radiation therapy like surgery radiation therapy and stereotactic radiosurgery. However, given the complexity of these methods, some could still be in clinical trials.
  • A different form of whole-brain radiation therapy such as magnetic resonance imaging tests targets brain tumors. External beam radiation therapy and intensity-modulated radiation therapy for parts of the brain, and the effects of radiation therapy can help, according to brain tumor clinical trials.

Note that the side effects of radiation exposure therapy depend on the area of treatment in the brain and spinal cord. Research on experts that are allowed to deliver radiation-only treatment to secure a specific dose of radiation.

brain surgery
Source: pexels.com

Brain Tumor Management And Cure

Dealing With Personality Changes

Anger, confusion, mood changes, and depression are usual symptoms for individuals with primary malignant brain tumors. Personality changes are a result of treating primary brain tumors or simply feeling hopeless. Talk to your physician if you observe these kinds of changes to relieve symptoms from multiple tumors.

Dealing With Behavioral And Cognitive Changes

An expert from the National Cancer Institute explained that there are several program options to treat brain tumors – and the brain tumor itself – can result in many alterations in your cognition and behavior. You could have difficulty with focus, mood, memory, and communication.

Depending on the severity of the case, professionals may recommend brain tumor surgery, targeted therapies, or proton therapy for the tumor-treating fields in the surrounding brain tissue of the affected area. For individuals undergoing conventional internal radiation therapy, a medicine treatment team, emotional and spiritual support, and counseling could also be recommended to help deal with the changes mentioned above. Additionally, cognitive rehabilitation strategies can certainly help as well.

consultation with a doctor
Source: goodtherapy.org

Cognitive Rehabilitation

Cognitive rehabilitation assists you in reclaiming as much of your physical, emotional, and mental capacities as possible.

Compensation methods for brain and nervous system tumor patients help develop other abilities to make up for skills lost from the illness. For instance, exercises to build speech, movement, and vision. When complete recovery is not achievable, compensation can include knowing how to survive memory loss through reminder systems, organizers, and calendars.

Caregivers for brain tumor patients can benefit from compensation strategies or anger management techniques to keep the high level of perseverance necessary.

Coping With Depression And Anxiety From Brain Tumor

Feeling worried about the tumor or the treatment plan is not uncommon, but it still causes every circumstance to be more severe. Frequently, depression comes with anxiety. A treatment or a brain tumor plan can include antidepressants or antianxiety medications, counseling, and relaxation exercises. Communicating your emotions with qualified professionals to relieve yourself of your concerns can certainly help.

  • Symptoms of depression in brain tumor patients, such as hopelessness, irritability, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating, are not uncommon and can significantly impact their well-being. In some cases, individuals may resort to self-harm, indicating severe depression. Recognizing and addressing depression is a critical priority in the overall treatment plan for brain tumor patients. It’s essential to provide both medical and emotional support to help individuals cope with these challenging side effects of their condition.
  • Symptoms of anxiety in an individual with a brain tumor are restlessness, sweaty palms, a fast heartbeat, and constant fear. If you are worried, then you must talk to someone about it. This is the initial step to reclaiming control over your life.

Dealing With Seizures

Seizures occur when an atypical surge of electrical brain activity leads to an attack. It causes staring, loss of consciousness, or abnormal muscle contractions. Some individuals with brain tumors get to experience several seizures, while others only have one. Seizures are more seen in low-grade gliomas, but they can also happen in most forms of tumors.

According to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, patients who suffer from seizures that involve consciousness commonly are unable to drive for a certain timeframe. Their duration differs from the guidelines of specific states.

While seizures primarily originate in the brain due to the presence of a tumor, their effects can extend to the spinal cord and other parts of the central nervous system. Those who have several seizures can create a journal to do their own monitoring. List down when they usually occur, what expires during the seizures, and how long they occur. The physician can identify a pattern and offer the best medication to help.

Source: ucl.ac.uk

Dealing With Headaches

Headaches are almost always a result of edema, which is a swelling in the brain caused by the brain tumor or the treatment. Steroids may be recommended to decrease the edema, but these can subsequently lead to a range of other problems like seating, agitation, leg fatigue, trouble sleeping, and over-eating. Avastin, a medication used to manage glioblastoma, is also very beneficial in decreasing edema.

Some headaches are linked to nausea, vomiting, or dizziness, which may all be connected to the location of the tumor. The surgical removal of the tumor often alleviates these headaches. Post-op headaches, on the other hand, often disappear after a brief period.


If you need more help treating brain cancer tumors, you can also consider physical therapy and occupational therapy assisted by a therapist or rehabilitation specialists to help you with your emotional and mental health journey. You might also want to join support groups to improve general health while you are on your journey to treat cancer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1.  Can An Entire Brain Tumor Be Completely Treated?

2.  What Is The Best Treatment For Brain Tumors?

3.  How Long Can You Live With Tumors In The Brain?

4.  Can A Brain Tumor Be Fixed?

The effectiveness of treating a brain tumor depends on several factors, including its type, location, size, and the overall health of the patient. While some tumors can be effectively treated, others may present more significant challenges, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive and individualized approach to care, often guided by findings from clinical trials.

5.  Why Do People Get Brain Tumors?

Brain tumors, including cancerous ones, can develop for various reasons, including genetic factors, exposure to radiation, age-related risks, and, in some cases, viral infections. Family history and certain genetic syndromes can also increase the risk. However, the exact cause of many brain tumors, including cancer, remains unknown, and they can occur sporadically without identifiable risk factors. Early detection and medical evaluation are crucial for effective management, as most brain tumors are not linked to lifestyle factors and require specialized care.

6.    What Were Your First Signs Of A Brain Tumor?

The signs of a brain tumor can vary widely, but common symptoms may include persistent headaches, seizures, cognitive changes, personality or behavior alterations, vision problems, speech difficulties, weakness or numbness, balance and coordination issues, nausea, fatigue, and mood changes. It’s important to note that these symptoms can be caused by various medical conditions, so if you or someone you know experiences any of these signs, seeking prompt medical evaluation by a healthcare professional is crucial to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment. Early diagnosis and intervention can be critical for managing brain tumors or related conditions effectively.

7.    At What Age Brain Tumors Can Occur?

8.    Can Stress Cause Brain Tumors?

9.    Is A Brain Tumor A Death Sentence?

10. What Foods Shrink Brain Tumors?

11. How Fast Do Brain Tumors Grow?

12. Which Brain Tumor Is Not Curable?

13. What Are The Risks Of Brain Surgery?

14. What Is The Last Stage Of A Brain Tumor?

The last stage of a brain tumor, often referred to as Stage IV, represents the most advanced and typically incurable phase of the disease. In this stage, the tumor has extensively spread within the brain and may have affected the central nervous system (CNS), including the brain and spinal cord. Patients in this stage often experience severe neurological symptoms and the focus of care shifts to palliative measures aimed at improving the quality of life and symptom management. The prognosis is typically poor, and treatment options are limited. Communication with healthcare providers is essential for addressing the unique needs of patients in this advanced stage, particularly those affecting the CNS.

15. What Should Brain Tumor Patients Avoid?

Brain tumor patients should focus on their well-being by avoiding excess stress, alcohol, tobacco, and maintaining a balanced diet. They should also exercise caution with overexertion, stay hydrated, and protect themselves from infections. It’s essential to communicate all medications and supplements with their healthcare team to prevent interactions and prioritize mental health. Following the treatment plan is crucial for optimal outcomes. Consulting with healthcare providers for personalized guidance is key.


Frequently Asked Questions About Depression And Dysthymia

Each of us struggles with gloomy and sad days. You may also fight to keep yourself from feeling hopeless, lost, and all those negative emotions that somehow make you engage in a suicide attempt.

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Depression Vs. Dysthymia

Often, you can’t really explain it, and all you have are a million questions about things you don’t understand when it comes to depression vs. dysthymia. Genuinely, it is a part of daily life events that everyone needs to deal with. There are lots of uncertainties, and not everybody knows what to do. Even those whom people thought to be strong and capable are sometimes struggling with the inability to come up with basic solutions regarding their medical conditions, depressive disorder, major disorder, and emotional dilemmas.

Mental Health

The topic of mental health is broad, encompassing various conditions such as persistent depressive disorder and major depression. Understanding the distinctions between these conditions is crucial. The complexities inherent in each of them, particularly in the context of cognitive behavioral therapy, can be truly bewildering, leaving individuals feeling fatigued and disengaged. Mental health can be exhausting as it demands considerable effort to recognize every single sign and symptom of a specific mental illness, making it an overwhelming challenge to navigate.

But the importance of, understanding and knowing the basics of mental health is essential for everyone, not only for the sake of having the knowledge to engage with others but also to have the compassion to find the right ways to help them deal with their struggle. It should be a necessity to make mental health knowledge become part of everyone’s lives.

But honestly, there’s too much to know and handle with regard to mental health. And until now, not everyone is open to discussing and talking about it. Some still stay quiet about their struggles because of the stigma. And others play it cool despite having a hard time dealing with their issues.

This is usually the case for cancer patients who are in their last days of hospice care. But anyone, really, can have these feelings. And depending on how long you have been feeling this way, it is either you have a major depressive disorder mdd or another form of depression known as dysthymia.

Dysthymia Vs. Depression

Dysthymia is a relatively milder yet permanent type of depression, often referred to as dysthymic disorder or persistent depressive disorder. Individuals diagnosed with this condition frequently experience episodes of major depression. Selective serotonin and selective serotonin inhibitors play crucial roles in managing these depressive episodes.

Depression, on the other hand, is a kind of mood disorder associated with one’s body, thoughts, depressed mood, and feelings towards himself. It is not just synonymous with feeling unhappy or very sad. It is also not an indication of weakness or a thing that you can quickly get rid of. Those who are depressed can’t merely snap out of it and quickly improve. Treating it is essential to recovery.

Dysthymia is more common in women than in men. Additionally, some may be depressed, and others may be bipolar.

There is no precise cause for this form of depression. Mental health providers believe it is a consequence of specific chemical imbalances in the brain. A lot of other risk factors are also thought to add to double depression. These include psychological, genetic, biological, and environmental factors. Chronic trauma and stress have also been associated with this condition. Additionally, dysthymia seems to be hereditary, although no genes have been associated with it yet.

Symptoms Of Dysthymia

As mentioned above, dysthymia is a milder form of depression. Yet, it is more long compared to major depression seen in people with terminal illnesses such as cancer and diabetes. Each person may feel his symptoms in various ways. These symptoms include:

• Fatigue
• Lack of energy and loss of interest in things you once loved
• Longstanding anxiety, sad, and empty moods
• Less capable of focusing, thinking, or making sound decisions
• Appetite and weight changes
• Sleep pattern changes, like early morning wakefulness, inability to sleep, or oversleeping
• Feelings of hopelessness and low energy
• Low low self esteem or self-confidence

To diagnose dysthymia, the individual should be experiencing depressive moods for the past two years (one year in adolescents and kids), accompanied by at least two of the symptoms listed above. The symptoms of this condition may mimic that of other mental health disorders (such as anxiety, depression, substance use, alcohol abuse, and more). It is wise to talk to a mental health professional for an appropriate diagnosis.

Dysthymia Treatment

• Therapy. This is usually interpersonal or cognitive behavioral therapy. The treatment concentrates on modifying inaccurate perceptions of yourself and your surroundings. This also works to enhance your communication skills and recognize and deal with your stressors efficiently.

• Medications. Various medicines and other medications are accessible in the market for treating different forms of depression, including dysthymia. It typically takes four to six weeks for antidepressant medicines to have a complete effect. It is vital to continue taking the medication even if you feel like it’s not working initially. It is also important that you talk to your doctor or therapist before you decide to stop taking. Some people need to change medicines or add medicines to experience better outcomes.

Because this form of depression typically persists for more than five years, a long-term treatment plan may be necessary.

There are actually things you can do to help deal with your symptoms of chronic depression, including those related to selective serotonin reuptake. Chronic depression is a major depressive disorder that you’ve been dealing with for several weeks or even longer. Depression is definitely something that can drain a lot of your energy, making you feel worthless, hopeless, and exhausted. These negative ideations and emotions may also make you want to give up on everything you’ve built in your life. It is crucial to realize that negativity is a part of the condition and may not always reflect reality. Negative thoughts tend to dissipate as your treatments related to serotonin reuptake start to take full effect.

Source: rawpixel.com

Below are frequently asked questions and answers about depression and its other forms.

What Is The Meaning Of Chronic Depression?

Sometimes known as mild chronic depression, dysthymia is less extreme and has lesser symptoms than major depression. When you have dysthymia, your depression symptoms can persist for a longer duration, perhaps two years or more.

Is Depression A Chronic Mental Illness?

A chronic condition persists for prolonged periods of time and typically can’t be treated entirely. However, some types of depression and other diseases can be treated through exercise, medications, and diet.

What Are The 4 Types Of Depression?

The four major types of depression are as follows:

• 1 – Situational depression
• 2 – biological depression
• 3 – psychological depression
• 4 – existential depression

What Causes Long-term Depression?

Neurophysiologically, LTD or long-term depression is an activity-dependent decrease in the effectiveness of the brain’s neuronal connections that last for hours or even longer after a lengthy structured stimulus. LTD happens in several central nervous system regions with different mechanisms that depend on the brain region affected and the developmental progress.

Is Long-term Depression Curable?

Depression can be managed, and its symptoms can be improved, but depression is not completely curable. Instead, the goal must be remission. No one definition is acknowledged for remission, as it differs for each individual. People might have persisting symptoms or abnormal functioning accompanying their remission.

Does Mental Anxiety Count As A Disability?

Recently, the law considers the impact of impairment on a person. For instance, he is experiencing mild depression with minimal effects might not be included in the coverage. But a person with severe depression and with substantial effects on their everyday activities is most likely to be considered disabled.

Can You Get Long-term Disability For Depression And Anxiety?

Guidelines differ significantly, but in general, most nervous and mental causes enforce a one or two-year restriction. For instance, if you are experiencing extreme depression to the point that you cannot work, you may be qualified for benefits on your long-term disability policy.

Is Depression A Progressive Disease?

Experts’ observations back the concept of depression as an advanced illness that some individuals may experience bouts of depression over several years. Still, others may have persistent depressive bouts for decades, with symptoms that worsen and increase to the point where it is difficult to perform your usual day-to-day activities.

How Can You Help Someone Who Is Mentally Ill?

Below are some techniques that you can use to help a mentally ill person:

• Avoid complicated confrontations.
• Listen without judging and focus on the other person’s needs at the moment.
• Ask them what they need so that you can help them.
• Provide them with resources and other information about their condition.
• Ask them if there is someone that they want you to reach out to or call.

What Should You Not Say To A Mentally Ill Person?

Here are some things that you must not say to a person who is mentally ill:

• “Hey, snap out of this!”
• Well, things could have been worse!”
• “All of us go through OCD or a mood swing at some point in our lives – this is normal.”
• “This is certainly all in your head.”
• “Don’t worry. This, too, will pass.”
• “Perhaps this is all part of God’s mighty plan.”

What Happens If The Mental Illness Goes Untreated?

Untreated mental disorder can cause poor physical health, including ignoring one’s symptoms, neglecting doctor appointments, and making unwise decisions. When a mental illness is left unmanaged, many people attempt to self-medicate to manage or ignore their symptoms.

Do Mental Health Issues Get Worse With Age?

Mental disorders are not a natural part of the aging process. In fact, mental disorders impact younger adults more than older adults, as reported by the National Institute of Mental Health.

Does Mental Anxiety Age Your Brain?

Studies found that a person’s brain physically grows old quicker when he is depressed. They also showed that depression could alter a person’s brain physically, accelerating the aging effect that may leave him more vulnerable to diseases related to old age.

How Does PDD Differ From A MDD?

What Is Persistent Depressive Disorder?

What Is The Difference Between PDD And Dysthymia?

What Is The Difference Between PDD And MDD?

Which Best Describes Dysthymia?

Source: rawpixel.com

Final Thoughts And Insights To Consider

Generally, almost everyone with any form of depression has continuing unhappiness and may feel irritable, sad, hopeless, and helpless. Without any treatment, depression symptoms can persist for several years. Fortunately, there are several ways to deal with mental health conditions or any physical problems. These can include lifestyle changes, such as eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water every day, socializing, going outdoors, and a lot more.

However, some of these coping mechanisms may fail to work because others’ needs may tend to be different. Thus, it would be advised to seek a medical or licensed professional to get a better understanding of the mental health diagnosis as well as to have an accurate mental health treatment or medication. And do not forget your health insurance.

Mental Health Tip: Change How You Perceive Individuals With Cancer Diagnosis

What would you do if you had an unexpected cancer diagnosis?

do I have cancer diagnosis?
Source: pexels.com

I had always been a positive thinker and an all-around jolly person. A friend or family member liked that about me. I was the type of friend who could laugh at others’ snarky remarks about myself without getting angry. I did not mind making a fool of myself sometimes either to see my loved ones laugh. And no matter what curveball tried to flatten or knock me over, I continued to stand tall, smiling.

My optimism slightly decreased when side effects showed, and I noticed that I was getting more bruises all over my body. I was used to seeing one or two on my legs or arms back then, especially before my menstruation, so I did not worry about it. However, when more spots appeared on my other body parts, my friends and support groups saw them and grilled me for hours because the bruises make me looked like a battered girlfriend. After assuring them that my boyfriend was almost saint-like, they urged me to go to a doctor to find out what’s happening to my body. It was such a stressful time.

One (Un)Fortunate Diagnosis Just From Bruises

Another week passed since I met with my friends, and I thought they had already forgotten about my bruises. So, I was surprised when they barged in my house at the weekend, demanding to know what the doctor said. Grinning sheepishly, I uttered, “Uhm, I haven’t gotten around to finding a physician, guys. But that’s okay; I feel fine.”

Source: pexels.com

Suspicious, my friends inspected my body for bruises. I just lifted my arms as if they measured my sizes, confident that they would be greenish at that point – a sign of healing. When they raised the shirt from the back, though, I heard a collective gasp. I looked around and saw them staring on the lower-left portion of my back. “Why are you dramatic?” I asked.

“Well,” my best friend said carefully, “There is new bruising on your back, perhaps almost the size of a saucer. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Huh. I did not have a full mirror in the house, so my back was a blind spot for me. For the first time in my day to day life, I forgot how to smile. I sat down and voiced out, “What do I do?”

Source: pexels.com

My friends, as supportive as ever with health care, started making calls. Though none of us knew the possible diagnosis, we knew that my case was not meant for a general practitioner. One of them eventually managed to book an appointment for me on that day. I did not want to go since I felt scared, but they said that it was better to know the truth now than to live in a lie, so I allowed them to support and accompany me to the doctor’s care office.

Waiting For The Test Results  Of My Cancer Diagnosis Seemed Like Forever

When we arrived, the cancer health specialist ordered the nurse to take my blood samples immediately. While waiting for the results, the doctor chatted with me about how I had been feeling in the last few weeks. I told him honestly that I did not feel much difference in my body, except for the bruising and sometimes shortness of breath. The nurse then returned with the test result, which showed that I had an abnormally high number of white blood cells compared to red blood cells.

The doctor said, “Hmm, having plenty of white blood cells typically indicates that a person has anemia, and that’s quite easy to remedy with iron supplements and more sleep. However, because of the bruising, you may have leukemia. I’m sorry.”

Source: pexels.com

My insides collapsed as soon as I heard the L word. I thought I was healthy all my life, but it turned out that I had blood cancer. I asked God “why me?”  Why do I have to suffer from this type of cancer and other serious physical and health mental health condition? The doctor added that I was lucky to get diagnosed in the first stage of cancer, but I felt like anything but a winner at the time.

Changing My Mindset About My Condition – The Honest Truth

When my friends and care team gave me a ride home, none of us spoke. But they told me before I got off that I should call them any time of the day if I needed something. I naturally nodded and waved bye with a forced smile on my face. After that, I turned off my phone and did not come out of the house for two weeks straight, depressed over the cancer symptoms that occurred unexpectedly of cancer diagnosis.

Nevertheless, my deceased mother visited me in my dream one night. It seemed so real when she hugged me and asked, “What’s wrong, baby girl?”

thinking why this is happening
Source: pexels.com

I repeated what the doctor told me, sobbing. Mom said, “Hush, sweetheart. Having cancer does not always mean that you’ll die soon, especially when it is only at stage one. Instead, you should be glad that you found out before it’s already irreversible.”

I woke up feeling light the next day. With my optimism restored, I called my friends and family members and informed them I wanted to undergo clinical trials and cancer treatment ASAP to beat leukemia’s butt. They cheered me on and took turns accompanying me to my diagnosis and cancer treatment options sessions, as well as cancer support.

People with cancer would agree that no one deserves cancer, and I understand that I can’t do anything about this diagnosis. There is no right or wrong way to deal with my cancer diagnosis. Now, not only am I cancer-free, but my mental health is also more formidable than ever, as I always feel sick. How you think about a cancer diagnosis can significantly impact your journey, and that’s why I rely on my support groups and healthcare team for my physical, mental, and emotional health needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Having Medical Conditions

What Did You Feel When You Found Out You Have Cancer?

When To Tell A Patient That They Have Cancer?

What Is The Best Thing To Say To Someone Who Just Found Out They Have Cancer?

What Do You Say To Someone Who Is Awaiting Cancer Results?

Does Cancer Impact An Individual’s Life?

What Do You Do When Waiting For A Diagnosis?

What Do You Say When Someone Gets Bad Results?

What To Say To Someone Who Is Scared Of Medical Diagnosis?

When Do You Tell Someone About A Medical Condition?

When Do You Comfort Someone With Medical Diseases?

>How Do You Make Someone Feel Better About A Cancer Diagnosis?

How Do You Express You Want Someone To Feel Better About A Cancer Diagnosis?

What Do You Say To Support Someone With Cancer?

What Should I Say To Someone To Make Them Feel Better About A Diagnosis?

How Do You Tell Someone They Need To Get Better?

The Impact Of Cancer On Family Life



Source: rawpixel.com



Just as anybody with cancer is aware, a diagnosis of cancer also impacts family members and significant others. At times, the complicated emotions and lifestyle modifications caused by the illness, along with its treatment, can be overwhelming for loved ones as they are also for you. Knowing the possible changes in how you relate to particular members of the family and close friends may be able to help you take the necessary steps to build stable and equally compassionate relationships during these challenging times.

Couples and Partners

Cancer has a tremendous impact on marriages and long-term relationships. When the diagnosis is made, both individuals may feel sad, angry, anxious, hopeless, or depressed. The side effects of cancer differ from couple to couple. For some, confronting the trials brought about by cancer further intensifies their bond. But for others, the anxiety and stress of the illness create new challenges that could magnify existing problems.

Some of the changes that frequently present in relationships include:

Cancer modifies roles. Someone who has been used to being in charged or functioned as the main caregiver might have difficulty acknowledging a more reliant role. Or someone who has not played those roles may have trouble taking charge or providing sufficient care. A spouse might try to take control by being an expert in a particular aspect of cancer. He might attempt to make changes to the treatment schedules or communicate with the medical team. If you have both agreed to this, it might even help you deal with the disease. However, it is vital that you listen to each other’s needs and wants and try to remain open-minded.

  • Physical needs. These needs that might arise as a result of cancer may alter throughout the course of the illness. It is crucial that spouses talk about what they need. Reaching out and helping each other with the usual activities of daily living, like dressing up or brushing your teeth might become difficult eventually. But your spouse may not be aware that you need help, so it is important that you talk freely and clearly communicate your needs. This helps prevent frustration and bitterness that could lead to misinterpretation of your partner’s behavior.

Source: rawpixel.com

  • Emotional needs. Each individual’s emotional needs may vary or change all the time and partners might need more reassurance that the love is still there. Couples must be sensitive to the altering emotional requirements that come with the disease. They might also want to think about discussing their concerns with a mental health counselor, together or on their own. It might benefit the family to engage in music therapy for cancer patients to helps stabilize their loved one’s mental health.


Partners who care for their significant other with cancer may probably find it hard to fully express all their feelings because they are afraid of hurting their partner. On the other hand, the loved one with cancer must also be able to talk about how she feels to someone who can manage the intensity of her emotions without being dazed or burdened.


Cancer often alters a couple’s future plans. Travel or retirement plans may change and this causes feelings of depression, bitterness, or anger perhaps. Working together in managing your priorities helps to gradually create fresh goals, like finishing the cancer treatment or having a baby for new couples. Things that used to be a priority prior to the cancer diagnosis might become less important. It would be wise to put the other plans on hold instead of instantly changing them, as it would inspire you to look forward to the future.

Family Members and Friends

The impact of cancer on your bonds with family and friends differ greatly, depending on how close you are to them. Some families have various communication and handling techniques. Think about how family members will respond in times of crises and they have managed other problems in your family life. This will definitely help you create your own strategies for breaking the news to them and seeking their support.

Below are some recommendations that would help you to make proper adjustments to relationship changes with family members and friends.


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Anticipate your bonds to change in one way or another. A lot of people have very little experience with life-threatening diseases like cancer so they may have no idea how to react or what to say. Some may be scared after learning about your cancer. Others how may have loved ones who died of cancer may recall the hurtful memories. Because of this, some of your family members and friends might not be capable of providing the support and care that you expect from them.

Indeed, this is painful. But just remember that these responses may be the result of their past encounters and losses and certainly not how they feel about you. Some of your close friends may keep some distance from you, but others will amaze you with their physical and emotional support throughout the course of your illness. So keep the spirit going and encourage yourself to find the good in your loved ones. Let them help and love you. Finally, always remember to be grateful for family and friends. They are treasures for life. If you, or you know someone who is struggling with cancer, you may refer them on seeing services from professionals such as a therapist or counselor.



COVID-19 And Cancer: What You Need To Know

Imagine an ordinary individual getting all anxious and scared of the Coronavirus infection. There’s too much stress manifestation that can happen. But how much more pressure do you think there is if a person is currently a cancer patient or a survivor? Why do you think he feels that this pandemic is causing so much commotion in the health sector? Here are a couple of things you need to know about cancer and COVID-19 and explain how you think about a cancer diagnosis.

Source: pexels.com

The Risk Of COVID-19 While Getting An Active Cancer Treatment

For a cancer patient that undergoes an active treatment, they are genuinely at higher risk of developing infections such as COVID-19. Because of this, the individual needs to self-quarantine at home. Fortunately, they can still be around family members. There is no need to self-isolate in certain parts of the house or a particular room. However, it is essential to note that family members that have contact outside should practice social distancing and sanitation as much as possible. That way, they won’t become the carrier of the virus and protect the cancer patient at home.

Source: pexels.com

Necessary COVID-19 Test For A Cancer Patient

If an individual has cancer or has had previously suffered from one, he does not necessarily need to get a COVID-19 test. That is if he does not experience any signs and symptoms of the infection, such as cough, fever, or shortness of breath. But if the patient does have these symptoms, it is highly suggested to call a medical professional and let these experts know about the situation. That way, the health professionals can guide the patient where to go from there. It is important to note that the patient must be honest about his experience as much as possible to avoid further confusion and additional health damage.

Cancer Treatments Offered By The Community

Despite the people’s struggle of the pandemic, the community continues to provide online therapy, radiation, chemotherapy infusions, as well as necessary surgeries on selected hospital care. Health care professionals are passionate about maintaining standard assistance to the patient with or without COVID-19 infection. Community health professionals consider taking extra precautions to avoid getting and spreading the virus. However, some services get pushed off to minimize patients’ exposure to Coronavirus when they need medical facilitation. Some of these are undergoing surveillance, office visits, follow check-ups, CAT scans, and MRIs.

Source: pexels.com

Availability Of Cancer Team During COVID-19 Pandemic

The cancer team is still available during this pandemic situation. In fact, the team becomes more accessible than before. There are nurse navigators, psychologists, psychiatrists, physical experts, nurses, doctors, and social workers. That is because most health professionals use technology to connect with their patients. They utilize technological communication to allow them to have more time to make phone calls and always be there with their patient. Thus, there is nothing to worry about, and patients can still reach out anytime they need assistance.

Source: pexels.com

Bringing A Friend Or Family Member On Patient Appointments

Unfortunately, there are more restrictions in this time of pandemic that a cancer patient should follow. Thus, with regards to bringing another person to accompany a cancer patient to his doctor’s appointment is highly unadvisable. It is mandatory for health care industries not to allow visitors. However, considering the patient’s comfortability and emotional stability, health professionals allow video conferencing or calls and putting it on speakerphones. That way, the patient can get a hold of family members despite not being able to come in chemotherapy sessions, office visits, or any medical appointments.

It is okay that cancer patients feel scared and stressed during this pandemic. But they have to remember to stay positive because health care professionals are still more than willing to serves their needs no matter what.