Life Of Patients With Cancer

Quality Of Life For Patients With Cancer

Not all understand how hard life is for individuals with diseases. Not everyone is judgmental toward these patients with the health crisis, but a majority of these patients are dealing with them incorrectly. The quality of life for these patients is not as normal as they wish it to be, and their friends and family members also struggle with the cancer burden.

No one knows entirely know how these patients with cancer feel.

Perhaps it is because that is how cancer patients see society do it.

But the whole point of caring for unfortunate patients with cancer doesn’t necessarily have to be generalized, because no one knows entirely how a cancer patient feels – right from the very moment that the cancer diagnosis has been given. Proper information and understanding of their feelings are crucial.

You will realize that you are doing it wrong for those patients with cancer if you don’t provide the right care.

When cancer patients get a diagnosis of breast cancer, lung cancer, or any kind of cancer, they often feel cancer pain at some point in their journey. Proper treatment and prevention methods can alleviate some of these pains.

Cancer cases are common, so loved ones and caregivers have all the resources on all cancers and relevant cancer treatment, including advanced cancer. The availability of ample resources ensures they can access the best care.

Cancer survivors rely heavily on their health care team, health insurance, and community services for early detection and treatment options based on their specific cancer type, such as colon cancer. While navigating the healthcare system can be challenging, hope is always present for any cancer survivor as they work towards better health and quality of life.

Life Of Individuals With Terminal Illness

Understanding Cancer And Its Effects On Individuals Suffering From it

Cancer comes in many types, including common ones like prostate cancer, breast cancer, and those caused by human papillomavirus. While anyone can be affected, the side effects and the need for cancer treatment vary depending on the specific type.

Why does cancer become a threat to patients with cancer?

How does cancer kill a person emotionally and mentally?

Let’s learn more about people with cancer and how cancer cells or abnormal cells can be dealt with using cancer treatments. Understanding this can also shed light on cancer prevention and its importance.


First off, it does not make patients with cancer feel better when someone pities them because they have cancer – whether it be breast cancer, lung cancer, or other certain cancers. Instead of keeping their heads up, patients with cancer begin to see themselves as a burden to their family members because of having cancer.


They need an excellent method that will help cancer survivors improve during the cancer adjustment period.

This period includes procedures like radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, disease control, clinical trials, and other types of cancer treatments specific to conditions like childhood cancer and others.

The transition is not smooth, and these people with cancer need love, palliative care, and support, not only from family and loved ones but also from doctors and caregivers as well.

What these patients with cancer want others to do is believe in them and not feel sorry about their having cancer and their condition.

They need those supportive people that will back them up in their cancer journey to full recovery.


Care And Support

Learn About The Unexpected Reality of C Patients

“Mental health struggles are real. They can be painful, especially with cancer treatment (cancer pain is very common).

You May Feel Alone.

In some of the darkest times, you may feel like something is “wrong” with you to the core,” says Erica Thompson, LMFT, LPCC.

That is the reason these cancer patients are emotionally and mentally sensitive (these are common symptoms), and that is the reason why most of them require too much rest because they are prone to anxiety and depression.

When facing cancer, patients can benefit from tips on coping with their diagnosis and treatment when they join support groups to talk with others going through similar experiences. Eating healthy and staying active is also important to treat their illness. Families can play a critical role in helping patients cope and expect the unexpected. Some organizations offer free services and benefits to patients with cancer. They donate so they can also make a difference in the lives of those being treated.

You see, a lot of people can promise these patients with cancer that they will always be there for them. But in reality,

When there is a relapse emergency, nobody will call, text, or do other ways to reach out.

Understandably, a lot of concerned people don’t know what to say or do when dealing with cancer sufferers. But the thought of just staying by the patient’s side and just saying anything creates a little difference.

The Changes That People Experience Because Of Being Diagnosed With Cancer

These cancer sufferers often hold back their physical, emotional, and mental connections. They want to monitor their capabilities.

That is because they are trying to save themselves for a better moment afterward.

“Knowing your risk factors for depression and other mental health diagnoses, and how your mental health may be impacted by the medications you take is a crucial part of taking control of your mental and physical health.” Julia Hogan, LCPC said.

And that is very important.


A doctor explains that along with the changes in the lives of cancer patients is the emotional pain they will experience daily. Going to the hospital regularly for screening, education, medicines, clinical trial, chemotherapy, radiation, and other matters is not at all easy for them.

That is due to the painful moments when they can no longer spend more time with their loved ones.

They are also often thinking about their quality of life and contemplate death from time to time, as they know that cancer death does not depend on age but on the spread of infections to other parts of their body.

This Causes Them More Stress, Which, Research Shows, Is The Leading Cause Of Breast Cancer And Other Forms Of Cancer. But One Thing Is All We Know, They Want To Get Treated.

According to Marla W. Deibler, PsyD, “It’s ‘normal’ to experience some degree of anxiety when stressors are unfamiliar, unpredictable, or imminent.” But for some patients, it is different.


There are certain days they are okay (especially when cancer treatments show effectiveness), and there are those moments these patients are not feeling great, such as times when other symptoms present or there is a risk of further infection.

The Big C Is Not Something Simple. Cancer Treatment And Cancer Prevention Are Not Simple Too.

That is why we need to show someone with cancer the respect and health care that they need, whether or not he does not say it. Patients with cancer should not be pitied. They should only be understood.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are some of the most difficult obstacles that patients with cancer face?
  2. What are the things that patients with cancer must not do?
  3. What are things that they must do?
  4. Does having cancer mean you are contagious?
  5. How would you encourage a patient who has cancer?
  6. How is a patient with cancer affected emotionally?
  7. What presents would most likely make patients with cancer happy?
  8. Does stress aggravate cancer?
  9. What is most important to cancer patients?
  10. Can you live a long life with cancer?

4 Sentences To Say To A Cancer Patient

There is no easy way to deal with someone who has cancer. The truth is that no matter what you say or do, you can never take the illness away from the other person. Cancer will always be there unless a miracle happens to the cancer patient. However, you can help the said person deal with the difficulties and challenges that he encounters because of his severe illness. According to a psychologist, the people surrounding an ill individual can positively affect his recovery.




For today’s article, we want to encourage everyone, who has a loved one who has cancer, to keep going. Be the symbol of strength for the one you love and care for. Be the source of strength, courage, and happiness so that you can help the other person. Below are some of the heartwarming words that you must say to someone positive for cancer:


“I Am Always Here”


Assure the other person that he can always count on you, especially at times when he is in physical and emotional pain. Let him know that you will always be there no matter what happens. Do not make promises that you cannot keep, which is why you must only utter these words if you are sure that you will never leave his side. By making yourself available to him, you are letting him know that he matters in your life. As a result, he will become more interested and motivated in fighting against cancer because he knows that someone would be hurt if he does not continue the battle.




“You Will Soon Be Okay”


Another reassuring thing that you can say to a cancer patient is the fact that he will soon be okay. This line may be short, but it carries with it so much power and inspiration. It also somehow brings an assurance to the other person that just because he is suffering now does not mean that there is no longer a way out. It promises someone that after the hardships, there will be a time for reaping the rewards of his sacrifices. However, you must also open your mind to the possibility or chance that the other person may not survive cancer.


I Love Taking Care Of You”


Are you aware that several ill people are afraid to let others take good care of them? Some of these individuals are also shy to rely on other people for their survival. They start to feel embarrassed about their situation to the point that they develop a low level of self-esteem or confidence. For this reason, your loved one who has cancer may try to push you away from him. When he does this, it does not mean that he no longer cares for you. The truth is that he is only afraid to give you the responsibility of taking care of him. He may also feel self-pity, which is why you have to continue encouraging him at all costs.


“I Understand What You Are Going Through”


Never miss an opportunity to let your loved one know that you understand what he is going through. Let him know that you can see his struggles and that you are willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate the said challenges. Once the other person knows that you understand what he is feeling or thinking, it will be easier on your part to reach out to him. The mere fact of knowing that you understand his situation is already reassuring on his part. It would make him feel loved and appreciated, Utter these sweet words every now and then so that he will not forget it.






As already emphasized above, there is nothing that you can do to eliminate cancer from the life of your loved one. However, you can make the journey more exciting and meaningful by being with him regardless of how busy you are at work or business. At the same time, never forget to utter or say the words listed above. You will be surprised at how one sentence can already change the mood of the one you love.


Getting To Know Clay Siegall And Mikhail Blagosklonny: 2 Significant Contributors In Cancer Research Advances


Getting diagnosed with cancer can mean a couple of things for you: 1) you might need to start taking a lot of pills or undergo chemotherapy; and 2) you may need a therapist to help you process everything you are going through. The latter is the fact that many people are not aware of, frankly speaking. They try to deal with pain on their own, as well as the possibility of losing their confidence due to the physical changes they might experience. In truth, however, these folks should have a counselor to turn to when the situation becomes mentally unbearable. Continue reading “Getting To Know Clay Siegall And Mikhail Blagosklonny: 2 Significant Contributors In Cancer Research Advances”

Health Anxiety: The Fear Of Cancer

Some of you might probably have the same issue as I have right now. I have health anxiety where I generally have two distinctive fears. It is the idea of having cancer and dying with it. The struggle is real and how you think about a cancer diagnosis in that particular situation leads to multiple other mental health issues. These include panic attacks, sleep disorders, eating disorders, as well as anxiety itself.


How It All Begin

“Anxiety is a broad categories of symptoms, while panic attacks are a specific way in which anxiety can express or manifest itself.” – Dr. Chantal Gagnon PhD LMHC

I know my health anxiety starts with my subconscious that somehow accompany and manifest panic attacks. For me, when I experience a sudden mood shift from being excited to completely scared over things I’m not sure about, I know there’s a presence of anxiety. From there, I investigate and work myself up over because I thought of dying with cancer. The idea of not always finding solutions to everything scares the hell out of me. Every time I feel pain or something that is usually not normal in my body, I always assume that I might be having cancer. I often go to Google and search probable symptoms of this and that. And the worse things about having too much health concerns is it makes me feel paranoid about what I physically and mentally experience. I understand what Robert Allison, MA, LPC used to say that “Anxiety is often thought of as an emotion, but it’s really more than that, especially when it gets to be problematic.”And I genuinely can’t help it.

Unfortunately, searching for answers and looking at the symptoms online leads me to have panic attacks and eventually develops an unrealistic list of phobias. There is the idea of having brain cancer every time I get headaches. There is colon cancer because I always feel the pain in my lower stomach for more than a month. There is skin cancer because I quickly get this red and itchy lump on my skin whenever I exposed myself on too much sunlight. I even thought about those small lumps as tumors growing inside my skin. I also convinced myself that I am having lung cancer because most of the times I can’t breathe properly. All of these anxieties of having cancer are taking my actions up to the next level. I get to do weird stuff only to feel better. I even try and change my lifestyle for the sake of not experiencing any cancer symptoms. I somehow become obsessed with avoiding things that can cause cancer-related diseases.


I thought of having all types of cancer that’s why I always go and see a doctor every time I see, feel, and experience new things on my physical attributes. I check bumps and lumps on every corner of my body. What’s even funnier is that having pimples also scares the hell out of me. There’s a buildup on anxiety on these kinds of scenarios. I am thinking of having internal inflammation because those red dots won’t come off and seem to last for a couple of days. There’s mental torture going on every time that happens.

Turn Of Events

Karin Draper, LMFT once said, “In the lives of those experiencing anxiety, anxiety has almost always served a purpose as a survival function at some point. ” But everything about this health anxiety is a freaking nightmare. I now have depression which I know can create quite a mess in my life. The fear I have gives me emotional and mental torture, and that is the reason why I often try asking for professional health advice (Ex. therapist, counselor, etc.) Guess what, it turns out that I don’t have any health issues that can escalate to having cancer or anything related to that. I am happy about it, but that’s because I start to believe that I survive cancer.


Though I pretty much convince myself about not having any types of cancer, I am now suffering from mental illness concerns due to health anxiety. I am currently isolating myself from people because I believe that my condition is unacceptable and irrational. I feel embarrassed because I told people that I am entirely having this and that, that I am going to die any time soon, but turns out I don’t and I will not. Due to this instance, I shut down people because I am not happy about not having cancer. I mean, I feel it would be a validation to have one since I already believed in it.

It’s funny how the way I thought about my condition becomes my source of strength and weakness at the same time. Luckily I’m still alive and kicking and now working with my mental health issues without the fear of having cancer.

Cancer Matters: Turning Can’ts Into Can’s

In our society, having a terminal illness can lead to a lot of adverse effects which can affect one’s personal life, family relationships, career, and many more. Being diagnosed with a disease that can mean life or death is a tough struggle which a lot of people in the world bear, but they continue to fight so that they can achieve what they believe is a “normal” life.

However, in this day and age, more and more people have been more accepting of people with disabilities, patients with terminal illnesses, and people who have medical concerns in general. Because of this, a lot of inspirational people have risen to advocate such beliefs just like Jacob Walker who was a brain cancer survivor.

What Is Cancer?

Many of us know that cancer is indeed a terminal illness. It can start with tumors, benign or malignant, and it usually goes through different stages and different levels of pain. For others, getting diagnosed at an earlier stage would make them “lucky.” But unfortunately for some, they would immediately reach a more advanced stage without even noticing any signs or symptoms. With this, it’s essential to be knowledgeable and aware so that we can keep ourselves healthy and be able to help those who lack the knowledge.


Cancer, in its technical definition, is a collection of related diseases which is usually caused by cells dividing rapidly and continuously, until these cells become abnormal and turn into tumors. There are many types of cancers based on the affected body part of the growing tumors. These tumors can spread and attack other tissues which in the end can become life-threatening to the person diagnosed with it. 

Emotional Effects

Given the life-or-death implication of acquiring cancer, many people go through an emotional struggle once they find out about their disease. However, it’s important to understand and realize, as an external audience, that these struggles of cancer-diagnosed patients are normal because most people are terrified of death and temporary disability, leading to some cases of anxiety and depression.


But just like in any situation, there are two sides to it—either see the good in it or acknowledge the bad. One of the most commonly felt emotions by cancer patients is discouragement and lack of will to live. As it is completely normal, there are ways for us to help empower, encourage, and support those who are feeling that way.

By knowing what to say, what to do, and how to act around cancer-diagnosed patients, we can all be agents to helping them live a happier life with a more positive outlook, and we can do this by turning their “I can’t” to “I can.”

Can’ts To Can’s

We know that some types of cancer can be terminal, while others are still curable. With this, cancer patients have two options once they find out about their diagnosis: it’s either they try to live life to the fullest and fight the sickness or sulk in fear of death and lose many opportunities to fulfill their other dreams in life. John M. Grohol, Psy.D. used to tell everyone that “These mental health measures included one’s emotional state, mindfulness, resilience, life satisfaction, overall mental well-being, among other characteristics examined.” Therefore, there is no point in not trying.

  1. Empowerment

The first and foremost way we can help cancer patients is to empower and motivate them. We all know that it’s not easy to be in their shoes, but we can at least try to be their “support group” as their friends, family members, and the people closest to them. 

By empowering cancer patients about their potentials, capabilities, and capacities, they are reminded of their value as a person before they found out about their illness. The thing about cancer and other terminal diseases is that once you are aware of it, it ultimately affects how you view life and how you act in your daily life. As we know that it’s not easy, letting these patients know that people believe in them and people support them can make a huge difference in their mindset and attitude. 

  1. Activities

Secondly, in empowering cancer patients, it’s important to know which hobbies are fun but still safe to do for them to engage in and be part of. It’s essential to be very creative in thinking of ways for them to enjoy without leaving out the fun part. As Jennifer L. Taitz, PsyD, LA-based clinical psychologist suggests, “Activity scheduling entails creating a plan, say, Sunday night, for the week where you plot out times to be with people, take exercise classes, work on projects, etc. Often, people wait until a mood or motivation moves them. Rather than waiting for those tenuous experiences, I urge people to be proactive and follow their values. Don’t wait to feel better, but start to live better now.” Here are a few suggestions!

  • Art making: Through art therapy, cancer patients can get ahold of their creative juices and make it come to life!


  • Journaling: Scribbling down one’s thoughts can be helpful especially if the patient is going through chemo.
  • Gardening: Green environments can boost one’s psychological mindset. By engaging in cultivation, the patient can have a sense of responsibility and accountability!
  • Yoga Exercise: By participating in physical activities that aren’t too strenuous, cancer patients can get a breath of fresh air in this kind of hobby.
  • Vlogging: For tech-savvy people, this can be a great avenue to let their daily thoughts out and share their adventures to the world, in the hopes of inspiring other people as well.

By empowering and supporting cancer patients, we can help them turn their can’ts into can’s! As what Alicia H. Clark, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist used to say, “The worst thing we can do is say to ourselves, ‘I can’t handle it,’ while the best thing we can say is, ‘I may not like it, but I can handle it.” Those are the words we need to tell cancer patients.

Therapist Therapy Questions

Therapist For Mental Health

The therapist for their therapy?


Mental health care has now been made available for everyone, either in-person therapy or online therapy. People who experience mental health conditions used to just suppress their emotions or succumb to self-harm when they have no family support.

Nowadays, families can turn to family therapy, teens can turn to talk therapy, addicts reach out to addiction professionals for addiction counseling, and couples seek the help of marriage and family therapists or psychiatrists. And yes, mental health care is effective if you find the right therapist who can effectively treat mental health concerns, mental illness, and other matters.

Finding The Right Therapist

There are several things that individuals need to learn and consider when it comes to seeking a prospective therapist, also known as a counselor or licensed clinical social worker. Remember that there is a reason why you have decided to find and book an appointment with the best therapist or mental health provider in town to address certain issues and practice self-improvement.

In this article, we are going to give you a quick guide on the type of questions that you can ask your therapist, also called a licensed counselor or licensed marriage therapist. Do not worry because the questions listed below are not offensive but rather helpful on your part.

Questions To The Therapist

How can the therapist help me with my mental and emotional health? What can I do about it?

The necessary information that you need to obtain from your chosen therapists is the educational background, which includes a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree, training, social work, relationships, and the manner in which he can extend his mental health services for your recovery and healing. Elana Schechtman-Gil LMFT once said,

The foundation of therapy is based on the relationship you build with your therapist in treating mental health conditions. When seeking someone such as a therapist or a licensed profesional counselor out, it’s important you feel comfortable with them.”

Do not have second thoughts about asking the trained psychology therapist about the ways he can help or support you with your mental health condition or mental illness, such as generalized anxiety disorder.

It is essential so that you can start checking your expectations about the sessions or services so you can prepare to let go of your past pain.

It can be art, couples, or family therapy, among other types of therapy, and you can opt for individual or group settings to help you improve your self-awareness, relationship issues, irrational fear, and overall well-being, and eventually lead better lives. If you’re looking to find a therapist, it’s essential to consider these options.

Whatever you choose, the core principles of how a mental health professional manages a patient are one and the same. According to research, the trained licensed therapist must practice psychotherapy, have a master’s degree in psychology, and be capable of having a listening ear to his clients.

How To Feel Around The Therapist

“Connecting with a therapist can help you get through the “groundhog day” of never-ending cycles where you feel continually defeated by a mental health condition or any stressful situation.” Chris Oneth LMFT said.

Do not feel bad if you are hesitant at first to deal with your therapist, even if you’re considering online therapy. It is entirely normal to feel that way, especially if you do not trust the other person administering the treatment.

You might think that you won’t see any positive changes, that your potential therapist or mental health counselors may not be able to fix your family relationships, or that he is not capable of providing effective treatment. It’s essential to find the right therapist who aligns with your needs and concerns.

Because of this, it is vital for you to get life assurance from your licensed psychologists or health counselors.

You need to hear it to boost your trust, confidence, skills, focus, and self-awareness in your chosen therapist until you eventually overcome your life challenges.

However, never make the mistake of intimidating or mistreating your trained therapist, or social workers, because it can only make your situation worse.

The Therapist And His Cost Per Session

To find a therapist, remember that deciding to book an appointment with your licensed therapist is not free unless you have found an organization that can sponsor your treatment or your insurance company has insurance coverage for individual or group therapy sessions. You can even consider the different types of therapy such as art therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy.

As much as possible, do not decide to engage in the mental health process of your therapist without coming to an agreement about the terms and conditions between you and your therapist.

When it comes to seeking therapy for sexual assault, it’s important to find a treatment tailored to the individual’s mental and emotional needs. It’s crucial to find a therapist who specializes in trauma and has experience working with survivors of any age group. Couples therapy can be beneficial for partners who have been impacted by the assault, as it can help them navigate the physical and emotional health challenges that arise in the aftermath. Potential therapists should be able to provide a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to work through their trauma and develop coping skills.


At the same time, do not forget to discuss the amount of money that you need to pay for the therapy as mental health professional fees.

How Long Do Therapy Sessions Take With A Therapist?

Make sure to ask about the duration of the professional engagement with your therapist (family therapist, clinical social worker, art therapists, music therapists, and other licensed mental health professionals). This is essential information that you must know even before you have started the therapy sessions to ensure you will achieve a healthy life and focus after treatment.

Do not be ashamed to ask for a timeline for her mental health care
concerning your case because you need to know how long you are going to get in touch with your therapist. However, it is significant to emphasize at this point that the duration or length of the therapy session with a therapist will vary from one case to another. The reason for the difference is that some cases may be severe while others may be light only.

Also, always remember that “While many therapists are qualified to treat common challenges such as anxiety or depression, if you are interested in working with a therapist to address a specific challenge, you should consider looking out-of-network.” Stacy Donn Cristo, LMHC said.

Insights On Therapy From A Therapist

Research says to be polite in asking these questions to your potential therapist. The answers to these therapy treatment questions can help you decide whether or not it is time to continue seeing your therapist or it’s time for a change of therapist.

Make an informed decision based on what your therapist will tell you after inquiring about the matters mentioned above. If you are unsure of how to find the best therapist in town, the most preferable option to choose is to ask for referrals or recommendations from the people around you. Read reviews as well.


  1. What is therapy?
  2. What are all the letters behind the name of a therapist?
  3. What are the different types of therapist?
  4. Why do people attend sessions with a therapist?
  5. Does a therapist cry with you?
  6. Can you tell your therapist whatever you want?
  7. Can a therapist actually help?
  8. Why do people see a therapist?
  9. Is there a difference between a therapist and a psychologist?
  10. Is seeing a therapist worth it?
  11. What is a psychologist vs therapist?
  12. What is the highest level of therapist?
  13. Can a therapist diagnose you?
  14. Can I go to therapy just to talk?
  15. How do I know if I need therapy?

Cancer Is Not the End – It’s A Second Chance To Begin Living A Happy And Full Life

Hearing from the doctor that you got cancer makes your world turn upside down.   For a moment, you can’t breathe, you feel dizzy, your vision gets blurred, and you can’t hear anything. Everything stops.  Slowly, you’re coming back, but you think it’s not you anymore.  It’s no longer the life you had.  All the hope is gone.  It’s the end.


Continue reading “Cancer Is Not the End – It’s A Second Chance To Begin Living A Happy And Full Life”

Questions About Cancer Remission That People Are Afraid To Ask



Treating cancer is a grueling process. If one therapy does not work, there are more options to consider that are just as physically, emotionally and mentally draining as the other. The only thing that kept me going back then apart from my desire to live was the hope that my doctor would come to say, “Congratulations, your cancer is in remission.”

Continue reading “Questions About Cancer Remission That People Are Afraid To Ask”

Reinvent Yourself – Life After Cancer


Life after cancer is not as easy and as simple as just going back to your usual ordinary life.   Many things will change because many things have changed.   Changes will be seen in the people you want to be with and the people who want to be with you.   Additionally, your outlook on life and the things you want to do will also change. Face it, so much will definitely change from the moment you were rushed to the hospital emergency room and now that you’re walking out of those doors.

Psychological and Emotional Challenges

Who wouldn’t be happy surviving cancer?  But there’s a dilemma attached to it.   You get worried when it’s time to visit your doctor. The bad news that might one day come to you saying you got a recurrence is like a nightmare that makes you anxious.

The guilty feeling that you survived while others didn’t is like a dark shadow that always follows you and keeps you awake in deep thoughts at night.

A positive attitude and outlook will help you cope with the stress.  Let go of your guilt feeling because it’s not your fault. Move on and take the chance to reinvent yourself.   You deserve it! 

Where Do I Go From Here? Is There a Future Waiting For Me?

Surviving cancer means you’ve been through a lot of pains and aches.  Continuing your life outside of the hospital facility will never be easy, but surely you will thrive.  There may be some discrimination in your workplace, school environment, and even in your very home.   Be prepared and just be patient. Marc Romano, PsyD says, “Focus on yourself and your own happiness and do not compare yourself to others.”

Talk Therapy Survivor Support Group

To lessen psychological and emotional stress, it is of importance that you join support groups.    Talking to people who experienced the things you’re experiencing now is very important.  They can efficiently guide you through and give you advice because they used to have the same dilemma as you, and they thrived and survived.  Having someone to talk to makes a big difference.  It lightens the burden. “You know the ones—these are the people you know you can always call, text, or email when you need to feel a connection.” David Klow, a licensed therapist said.

Be Productive, Stay Healthy

The boredom of staying in the hospital for months or years gives you the chance to re-think about your life.  It might have made you shift your point of view.  You may have written a list of things you wanted to do once you get healed and discharged from the hospital.

Here it is!  


Now is the time to check that list.   It may include quitting your old job, learning new things, meeting people, going on vacation, becoming more adventurous, eating authentic foods, eating foods that you missed, bonding with family, going swimming, and more.   There are so many things you can do to be productive and feel accomplished.  Doing the things you love and enjoy while avoiding the ones that will fuel your worries can help you stay healthy.  

Be In Touch

You may be feeling okay, but still, it is essential that you keep in touch with your doctor by going to your regular checkups and having your follow-up tests. “Whether you suffer from seasonal affective disorder or not, the evidence is strong that getting outside just for a little bit can be very helpful,” says Andrea Bonior, PhD, clinical psychologist. Seeing your oncologist and primary physician regularly will keep both you and your doctor updated on your progress.  You may have questions that only they can answer.  Always remember that maintaining your health is not done by you alone.   You and your doctors should work as a team so that you may enjoy the quality life.  

Don’t Stay Stagnant

Surviving cancer is a blessing – a hope you can give to others who were in the same situation as you were in.  Many challenges await you but don’t let those negativities make you stagnant.  You endured a lot of trials.  It’s time to be positive about things.  Your life now is no longer about cancer.  It’s a chance to reinvent yourself.  Not everyone has that second chance.